Blocked Columns on Kanban Boards Obfuscate Workflow and Undermine Effectiveness

The Boards in Azure DevOps are a powerful tool that your teams can leverage to enable transparent visualization of the current state of value delivery.  However, the inclusion of Blocked columns can stealthily erode the very foundations of efficiency these boards are meant to uphold. By obfuscating the state of work-in-progress and breeding a culture […]

You are doing it wrong if you are not using test first

Many teams are struggling with delivering modern software because they are not building with Test First principals. Test First gives us the assurance that we have built the correct thing, that what we built is what the customer asked for and that when we change things we don’t break anything inadvertently.

Configuring Microsoft Teams for Live Virtual Training

Like most tools, if you want to run successful training in Microsoft Teams you need to do some homework and some configuration before your class. You can just jump in and wing it, but that will not provide a good experience for your students. Currently, I have run more than 6 Live Virtual Training in […]

Can the Definition of Done change per Sprint?

I was asked this question today and I think there is a clear answer, however it may change depending on the context of the question. “During each Sprint Retrospective, the Scrum Team plans ways to increase product quality by improving work processes or adapting the definition of “Done”, if appropriate and not in conflict with […]

Open-source with VSTS or TFS and Github for better DevOps

I have had quite a few requests from folks that want to use the full capabilities of VSTS or TFS but really need to have the code published in Github as it is Open-Source. Well I build a few Open-Source projects and I want to have my cake and eat it too.. I want to […]

Migrating from Codeplex to Github

Since Github is the place to keep your Open Source code I thought that I would migrate some of my CodePlex repos to GitHub. However it is a little more difficult than it looks on the surface.